Coaching People Coping with Change

Increasingly, people are challenged to cope with change – professionally and privately, being forced to or by personal choice. Successfully coping with change is a key competence. This key competence is learnable.

To do so, Sibylle Tobler has developed her concept Veränderungskreis ©. This concept is focused on the very essence of what is effective and leads further while coping with change. It is applicable in all kinds of situations.

This concept is based on her experience and research; since 1995, she counsels people coping with change. During ten years, she built up and managed two organizations supporting people finding a new job. Parallel to this, she worked for six years as researcher at the University of Bern (CH). In her dissertation, she developed a model of solution-oriented short-term counseling concerning the field of professional transitions. She finished her dissertation magna cum laude in 2003. It was published in 2004 with the title Arbeitslose beraten unter Perspektiven der Hoffnung.

Since 2005, Sibylle Tobler works in her own enterprise with organizations, enterprises and professionals who support employees or clients coping with change. And she provides lectures and trainings, counseling and coaching for organizations, professionals and private persons who want to or have to deal with change.

The Veränderungskreis © is the basis of her work and is published 2009 in the book Neuanfänge – Veränderung wagen und gewinnen. Because in practice, there always can occur difficulties while coping with change, in august 2015, her book Die Kunst, über den eigenen Schatten zu springen oder wie Sie Schwierigkeiten bei Neuanfängen meistern was published. Here, the focus lies on nine hurdles people often encounter when they have to or want to change situations. In spring 2021, her latest book Veränderungskompetenz fördern. Für Professionals in Führung, Beratung und Therapie was published. In this book she addresses professionals in management, counseling and therapy. The book is based on the Veränderungskreis © as well as on recent psychological and neurobiological insights concerning the role of attitude and behavior when it comes to successfully coping with change. And she demonstrates how these professionals can apply these principles in their daily work – be it management, counceling or therapy – in order to make them more successful in their job.

The guiding theme in Sibylle Toblers work is to empower people to cope successfully with change. And to enable them to experience that one always can take responsibility, make choices and influence how situations develop.

Sibylle Tobler is Swiss. After having lived with her husband for 17 years in The Hague (NL), they moved to Switzerland in January 2022. She is working mainly in the German language area with a focus on Switzerland.

You will find further information about Sibylle Toblers concept and services on this website (in German language flag).